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Providing a better way for designers and marketers to collaborate

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Project Overview


The digital asset management system at Aetna we could say "worked" at best. But that was only for designers looking for assets to use in marketing campaigns. There was no way for designers to see what other designers had created (other than emailing), and marketers worked in silo hoping to hear through the grapevine what other groups had done. In addition so much of the content that was available for use had copyright implications and none of it was tracked properly. Could there be an easier and more collaborative way to access all the assets Aetna had created our used?


AA (Aetna Assets) has come a long way since its first exploratory sessions with users. We identified potential users of the site and asked questions and listened. We opened the dialogue and were able to hear what in their wildest dreams they'd like to see happen. We created personas and documented pain points and needs. A backlog of ideas helped to shape the project and common themes started to emerge. That helped us with focus. Filtering, best in class search, collaboration on image selection, copyright management and the last focus would be to find a way to share out what had already been done (so as not to reinvent the wheel but also to inspire!). The site today is a culmination of all the above. Some features didn't make it but most did. It's a polished, easy to use experience that everyone can appreciate including a user set (marketers) that were completely ignored before.

UX Manager 

(Managed 1 Product Designer, UX Research)

Responsive Web

9 Month Project

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The process

Through 25+ interviews, we were able to identify who the potential users are and we listened to what their pain points are and more importantly what hopes and dreams for this experience could be.

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By mapping out the flow for each user, we created both user flows and a site map that made the most sense. Each user follows almost the same path but their behaviors / where they go will likely be very different.

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We started with wires as concepts and tested them among users.


User testing happened multiple times in this project. Wire + test + refine + test + refine + design + test + refine... We continue to gather feedback from this project and have created a backlog of issues as we explore AA 2.0.

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AA broke all the style guide rules (in a good way) we have created for everything customer facing. Because this tool was only used internally we had the glorious freedom to bend and stretch what was possible. Watermarks, subtle color gradations, new shades in to the color palette all played a role.


Catalogued over $6 million worth of approved creative assets for reference and reuse – a first for the organization


Saved $1M in shared resources (prior to launch)


1,110 active users daily *(average over 1 quarter)




The journey to developing the Aetna Assets DAM was anything but straightforward. We faced shifts in direction and the loss of funding not once, not twice, but three times. Each of those setbacks could have been a deterrent, but we were young, determined, and naïve enough to keep forging ahead. In the end, our persistence paid off. This DAM will save time, energy, and dollars for years to come, making it a vital asset for Aetna. And on top of all that, the design is simply gorgeous which is a true testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team.


VP Marketing, Aetna

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